Forgoing the First look? by brandonkeithphotography

The hot new thing that lots of couples are doing now is a "First Look". If you’re not familiar with a First Look, it’s when the couple chooses to see each other before the ceremony begins, instead of waiting to see one another at the ceremony, they pick a special location to be revealed to one another and this give the photographers ample time to focus in to capture the couples emotions.

This can be a huge decision for the couple. The fear of letting family down if you break tradition and/or the worry if you don’t do a First Look photos won’t get done.  I’m sure for brides and grooms it’s stressful to hear everyone’s opinion about it too. That is why we created this quick break down about pro's & con's of doing a first look. 

While you read this, keep in mind what’s important to you and your significant other.

Pro’s of Tradition: 

1. The after ceremony glow you have of just marrying your soul mate, best friend and other half. 

2. You don’t have to be ready hours before your ceremony. 

3. You’re keeping with tradition and the groom’s look is ALWAYS priceless. 

4. All the people that you invited to be a part of your special day, get to see the look on your faces when you first see one another. 

5. The general feeling of pictures is much more intimate. The ceremony is done, most stresses are gone. 

Con’s of Tradition: 

1. You will need to get pulled from your reception to finish up family, wedding party and bridal pictures. 

2. Family or friends might not be ready, causing delays in being at your reception to enjoy your guests. 

3. If it’s a late ceremony, your pictures will need off camera flash, natural light might not be an option anymore. 

4. Break down of the ceremony site, means you won’t get fun pictures by the set up.